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We've updated the store! Read more about the update!

Chassis now ship from the USA

We're improving your store experience by shifting our chassis shipments to our US warehouse, and discontinuing dropshipping from Italy.

This decision, driven by the complexities of EU VAT tax laws and operational issues, allows us to focus on improving our store, expediting new projects, and customizing project-specific chassis.

The previous range is still available for direct purchase from Hifi2000. While we incorporate a broader range of custom and popular Hifi2000 chassis into our US inventory, please order directly from Hifi2000 if required.

We are aiming to have Deluxe 4U and 5U as well as a range of the most popular Galaxy and Pesante chassis in our US warehouse before the end of July. We're excited to provide a more diverse range of project-specific chassis soon!


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Once you create a blog post, the content will appear here. It will display the first few lines of text here or a summary of the post that could be added from the Excerpt section in Blog posts editor.

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Once you create a blog post, the content will appear here. It will display the first few lines of text here or a summary of the post that could be added from the Excerpt section in Blog posts editor.